Perspectives // Scott Marceau

For those of you that know me, or follow me on my personal Instagram, you know, or at least get the sense that I came from a BMX background. I still shoot a lot of BMX, still ride bmx, and it’s still an integral part of my life. BMX is where my love for photography was ignited as I tried to document my life, my friends, and our shared experience.

It’s humbling to see friends and peers living their best lives through the same mediums. Scott’s photos and presence in the BMX community has driven me for a long time. I even have one of my favorite photos of his in a massive gold frame above my desk. This beautiful shot of Eric “Ewip” Whitescarver throwing his bike over a fence:

Scott’s perspectives series is personal and real, and I’m so stoked to share. You should also check out Scott’s website, ‘push it a stop’ site, and his Instagram.

Here’s what he had to say about this series…

I quit drinking on the first day of 2011.

It wasn’t really my choice, but I knew it was the best thing for me. The judge had ordered me to complete a one-year program and remain completely sober for the entirety. I was at the heaviest weight I’d ever been thanks to being bedridden and on crutches from a broken ankle. I did a few weeks of physical therapy then moved off my mom’s couch in Ohio back to New York where I’d have to be gainfully (and lawfully) employed during my time in the program. It seemed exciting to do messenger work, and a good idea to re-strengthen my leg after a great deal of atrophy.

A couple months into the job, when my brain starting thinking clearly again, I decided I needed to bring out a camera and shoot around. I’d had a Stylus Epic sitting around that I hadn’t used since the booze and drugs had clouded my creative visions into a thick fog. I loaded it up with some 400 speed color negative and a year later, I had this collection which I published as Midtown Specialist in 2012.