Scene Report // Copenhagen // By-Expressen Messenger

When I visited Copenhagen at the end of 2018, I made a point to stop by the messenger company By-Expressen and see what they had going on, and what the vibes were like.

By-Expressen had been following me on my personal Instagram for a little while, and I’m never quite sure how people find me, or if they even like my vibe. Just doing my best and trying to inspire, and hope that people are vibing with it.

As always, messenger companies always have the best and most random collection of stuff on their walls and in their offices. After being a messenger in Boston on and off for a long time, then in Philly for a bit before shattering my left hand getting hit on my way into the dispatch office, I’m still kind of embedded into the culture and entangled in the scene. No one ever truly leaves, right?

Messenger companies inadvertently invite a specific breed of cyclists into the fold. Cyclists, people that actively avoid a 9-5, folks who enjoy traveling and flexible hours more than anything else, people that know no other way of life, and others that don’t quite fit the normal mold society tells you to.

Bart here was only living in Denmark a handful of months when I shot his portrait. He was originally from Australia, but had traveled all over the world with and for cycling. He talked about how easy it is these days to live in Denmark without a big working knowledge of the Danish language. I immediately thought about leaving New York and going back to work as a messenger.

Thanks for letting me stop by and take some photos! Thanks for letting me take your photo as well Bart!

Also, here’s a fun game: see if you can spot your sticker on the door