Leading up to David August Trimble’s NEVERSINK invitational this year, we’re doing a history and photo retrospective on the race since it’s start in 2011.
NLLTL will be there for this year’s race, as well as doing an adventure cam gallery of David’s day during the race. Excited to share!
Here’s what david had to say about NEVERSINK:
What is the Neversink Invitational?
Neversink is a 75 mile road race in the Catskill Mountains. We have no sponsors, permits, or sanctioning. The reason for this is to capture pure cycling emotions in the most beautiful location possible. Despite the humble organization we deliver the event with precise attention to detail. We mark the course well, post accurate results, offer (limited) neutral support, and have the best post race bbq.
In summary the race is designed to mimic those hard training rides with friends that turn into races. It is considered an “invitational” but in reality any one can race. The difference is you are either officially invited or have to contact to me to be added to the start list. This results in a field that is full of friends who know each other well. There is only glory on the line so there is nothing to lose and everything to gain from riding beyond your limit.
What inspired this race?
For many years I have been riding in this part of the Catskills with John Taki Theodoracopulos. JT (as he’s known) has a house in the Catskills and we would often go up and explore the area while riding ourselves into the ground. One day we drank too many bottles of wine and challenged each other to a race up a climb called Red Hill with our girlfriends following in a car to witness the testosterone battle. I sadly lost to JT, but in the process realized that I needed to organize a race on these roads.
Course Description:
The course is designed to be spectacular and fun to ride. The roads are as beautiful as anywhere in the world. There is a small climb at the beginning but in general the field stays together until deep into the race. I could design a harder course that would shatter quickly but part of the fun is the big pack of pretenders cruising toward the hard ascents all together. This isn’t a death march as the winning time can be less than three and a half hours. You can race hard and then enjoy the rest of the day drinking beer and swimming in the river.
As a warning the climbs do need to be understood. On paper 75 miles and 750 ft of elevation isn’t crazy but the first 45 miles only climb 2000 feet which means that last 30 miles pack in over 5000 feet of climbing. There is something about how Sugarloaf just keeps getting steeper towards the top that is demoralizing. Climbing gears even for the skinniest roadie are recommended.