Anthony Arevalo has been a follower of No Life since probably day 1. He was in SF for the Mash SF 10 year anniversary party/race/film screening, and sent over a bunch of film photos he shot during his time there.
Here’s what he had to say:
Just want to start this by saying thanks JP for letting me rant about my shenanigans up in San Francisco this past Saturday.
I was asked to do a write up about this past Saturday, which was when Mash SF had a screening for their new project! Friday afternoon, I was invited to go by my friend Ace and the same night after work i was on my way up north. About 8 hours later and a hour nap off the 105 we were in San Francisco. We killed time until the alleycat that Mash was hosting later that afternoon. Went to Cow Palace where we went to take some pictures, Dolores Park (so chill0, ended up doing some loops around Golden Gate Park (my personal favorite), then stopped by City and Country to hang out some more! After all that we headed to Mash SF for the alleycat, and like always, they have the best send off for a alleycat, smoke bombs! A car had flipped over at Twin Peaks and some racers stopped while on the way to a checkpoint to help out, you guys are the best! I then made my way over to the Victoria Theater and across the street Mike had set up a 10 year anniversary art show at The Lab. Lots of awesome stuff from the project and they even had gold sprints set up. The closer it got to 8 o’clock the longer the line got, I ended up getting a ticket to trade it for a burrito with my buddy Fabian (still got in for the 8 o clock screening haha) The vibe and energy for the screening was great, everyone was stoked for the up coming movie. 10 years later it’s not like an old time skate video or anything it’s a completely different game now and its great! Awesome work Mike and everyone else over at Mash. Now i hope you guys enjoy this all 35mm gallery, I got a roll of Fuji 400H from Barney Fuji himself just for an occasion like this, enjoy!